Source code for snf.compute

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains the primary functions for conducting similarity network fusion

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy import sparse, stats
from sklearn.utils.validation import (check_array, check_symmetric,

def _flatten(messy):
    Flattens a messy list of mixed iterables / not-iterables

    messy : list of ???
        Combined list of iterables / non-iterables

    data : ???
        Entries from `messy`

    Thanks to :chef-kissing-fingers-emoji:

    for m in messy:
        if isinstance(m, (list, tuple)):
            yield from _flatten(m)
            yield m

def _check_data_metric(data, metric):
    Confirms inputs to `make_affinity()` are appropriate

    data : (F,) list of (M, N) array_like
        Input data arrays. All arrays should have same first dimension
    metric : str or (F,) list of str
        Input distance metrics. If provided as a list, should be the same
        length as `data`

    data, metric : numpy.ndarray, str
        Tuples of an input data array and the corresponding distance metric

    # make sure all inputs are the same length

    # check provided metric -- if not a list, make it so
    if not isinstance(metric, (list, tuple)):
        metric = [metric] * len(data)

    # expand provided data arrays and metric so that it's 1:1
    for d, m in zip(data, metric):
        # if it's an iterable, recurse down
        if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
            yield from _check_data_metric(d, m)
            yield check_array(d, force_all_finite=False), m

[docs]def make_affinity(*data, metric='sqeuclidean', K=20, mu=0.5, normalize=True): r""" Constructs affinity (i.e., similarity) matrix from `data` Performs columnwise normalization on `data`, computes distance matrix based on provided `metric`, and then constructs affinity matrix. Uses a scaled exponential similarity kernel to determine the weight of each edge based on the distance matrix. Optional hyperparameters `K` and `mu` determine the extent of the scaling (see `Notes`). Parameters ---------- *data : (N, M) array_like Raw data array, where `N` is samples and `M` is features. If multiple arrays are provided then affinity matrices will be generated for each. metric : str or list-of-str, optional Distance metric to compute. Must be one of available metrics in :py:func`scipy.spatial.distance.pdist`. If multiple arrays a provided an equal number of metrics may be supplied. Default: 'sqeuclidean' K : (0, N) int, optional Number of neighbors to consider when creating affinity matrix. See `Notes` of :py:func`snf.compute.affinity_matrix` for more details. Default: 20 mu : (0, 1) float, optional Normalization factor to scale similarity kernel when constructing affinity matrix. See `Notes` of :py:func`snf.compute.affinity_matrix` for more details. Default: 0.5 normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize (i.e., zscore) `arr` before constructing the affinity matrix. Each feature (i.e., column) is normalized separately. Default: True Returns ------- affinity : (N, N) numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray Affinity matrix (or matrices, if multiple inputs provided) Notes ----- The scaled exponential similarity kernel, based on the probability density function of the normal distribution, takes the form: .. math:: \mathbf{W}(i, j) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \ exp^{-\frac{\rho^2(x_{i},x_{j})}{2\sigma^2}} where :math:`\rho(x_{i},x_{j})` is the Euclidean distance (or other distance metric, as appropriate) between patients :math:`x_{i}` and :math:`x_{j}`. The value for :math:`\\sigma` is calculated as: .. math:: \sigma = \mu\ \frac{\overline{\rho}(x_{i},N_{i}) + \overline{\rho}(x_{j},N_{j}) + \rho(x_{i},x_{j})} {3} where :math:`\overline{\rho}(x_{i},N_{i})` represents the average value of distances between :math:`x_{i}` and its neighbors :math:`N_{1..K}`, and :math:`\mu\in(0, 1)\subset\mathbb{R}`. Examples -------- >>> from snf import datasets >>> simdata = datasets.load_simdata() >>> from snf import compute >>> aff = compute.make_affinity([0], K=20, mu=0.5) >>> aff.shape (200, 200) """ affinity = [] for inp, met in _check_data_metric(data, metric): # normalize data, taking into account potentially missing data if normalize: mask = np.isnan(inp).all(axis=1) zarr = np.zeros_like(inp) zarr[mask] = np.nan zarr[~mask] = np.nan_to_num(stats.zscore(inp[~mask], ddof=1)) else: zarr = inp # construct distance matrix using `metric` and make affinity matrix distance = cdist(zarr, zarr, metric=met) affinity += [affinity_matrix(distance, K=K, mu=mu)] # match input type (if only one array provided, return array not list) if len(data) == 1 and not isinstance(data[0], list): affinity = affinity[0] return affinity
def affinity_matrix(dist, *, K=20, mu=0.5): r""" Calculates affinity matrix given distance matrix `dist` Uses a scaled exponential similarity kernel to determine the weight of each edge based on `dist`. Optional hyperparameters `K` and `mu` determine the extent of the scaling (see `Notes`). You'd probably be best to use :py:func`snf.compute.make_affinity` instead of this, as that command also handles normalizing the inputs and creating the distance matrix. Parameters ---------- dist : (N, N) array_like Distance matrix K : (0, N) int, optional Number of neighbors to consider. Default: 20 mu : (0, 1) float, optional Normalization factor to scale similarity kernel. Default: 0.5 Returns ------- W : (N, N) np.ndarray Affinity matrix Notes ----- The scaled exponential similarity kernel, based on the probability density function of the normal distribution, takes the form: .. math:: \mathbf{W}(i, j) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \ exp^{-\frac{\rho^2(x_{i},x_{j})}{2\sigma^2}} where :math:`\rho(x_{i},x_{j})` is the Euclidean distance (or other distance metric, as appropriate) between patients :math:`x_{i}` and :math:`x_{j}`. The value for :math:`\\sigma` is calculated as: .. math:: \sigma = \mu\ \frac{\overline{\rho}(x_{i},N_{i}) + \overline{\rho}(x_{j},N_{j}) + \rho(x_{i},x_{j})} {3} where :math:`\overline{\rho}(x_{i},N_{i})` represents the average value of distances between :math:`x_{i}` and its neighbors :math:`N_{1..K}`, and :math:`\mu\in(0, 1)\subset\mathbb{R}`. Examples -------- >>> from snf import datasets >>> simdata = datasets.load_simdata() We need to construct a distance matrix before we can create a similarity matrix using :py:func:`snf.compute.affinity_matrix`: >>> from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist >>> dist = cdist([0],[0]) >>> from snf import compute >>> aff = compute.affinity_matrix(dist) >>> aff.shape (200, 200) """ # check inputs dist = check_array(dist, force_all_finite=False) dist = check_symmetric(dist, raise_warning=False) # get mask for potential NaN values and set diagonals zero mask = np.isnan(dist) dist[np.diag_indices_from(dist)] = 0 # sort array and get average distance to K nearest neighbors T = np.sort(dist, axis=1) TT = np.vstack(T[:, 1:K + 1].mean(axis=1) + np.spacing(1)) # compute sigma (see equation in Notes) sigma = (TT + TT.T + dist) / 3 msigma =, mask=mask) # mask for NaN sigma = sigma *, np.spacing(1)).data + np.spacing(1) # get probability density function with scale = mu*sigma and symmetrize scale = (mu * np.nan_to_num(sigma)) + mask W = stats.norm.pdf(np.nan_to_num(dist), loc=0, scale=scale) W[mask] = np.nan W = check_symmetric(W, raise_warning=False) return W def _find_dominate_set(W, K=20): """ Retains `K` strongest edges for each sample in `W` Parameters ---------- W : (N, N) array_like Input data K : (0, N) int, optional Number of neighbors to retain. Default: 20 Returns ------- Wk : (N, N) np.ndarray Thresholded version of `W` """ # let's not modify W in place Wk = W.copy() # determine percentile cutoff that will keep only `K` edges for each sample # remove everything below this cutoff cutoff = 100 - (100 * (K / len(W))) Wk[Wk < np.percentile(Wk, cutoff, axis=1, keepdims=True)] = 0 # normalize by strength of remaining edges Wk = Wk / np.nansum(Wk, axis=1, keepdims=True) return Wk def _B0_normalized(W, alpha=1.0): """ Adds `alpha` to the diagonal of `W` Parameters ---------- W : (N, N) array_like Similarity array from SNF alpha : (0, 1) float, optional Factor to add to diagonal of `W` to increase subject self-affinity. Default: 1.0 Returns ------- W : (N, N) np.ndarray Normalized similiarity array """ # add `alpha` to the diagonal and symmetrize `W` W = W + (alpha * np.eye(len(W))) W = check_symmetric(W, raise_warning=False) return W
[docs]def snf(*aff, K=20, t=20, alpha=1.0): r""" Performs Similarity Network Fusion on `aff` matrices Parameters ---------- *aff : (N, N) array_like Input similarity arrays; all arrays should be square and of equal size. K : (0, N) int, optional Hyperparameter normalization factor for scaling. Default: 20 t : int, optional Number of iterations to perform information swapping. Default: 20 alpha : (0, 1) float, optional Hyperparameter normalization factor for scaling. Default: 1.0 Returns ------- W: (N, N) np.ndarray Fused similarity network of input arrays Notes ----- In order to fuse the supplied :math:`m` arrays, each must be normalized. A traditional normalization on an affinity matrix would suffer from numerical instabilities due to the self-similarity along the diagonal; thus, a modified normalization is used: .. math:: \mathbf{P}(i,j) = \left\{\begin{array}{rr} \frac{\mathbf{W}_(i,j)} {2 \sum_{k\neq i}^{} \mathbf{W}_(i,k)} ,& j \neq i \\ 1/2 ,& j = i \end{array}\right. Under the assumption that local similarities are more important than distant ones, a more sparse weight matrix is calculated based on a KNN framework: .. math:: \mathbf{S}(i,j) = \left\{\begin{array}{rr} \frac{\mathbf{W}_(i,j)} {\sum_{k\in N_{i}}^{}\mathbf{W}_(i,k)} ,& j \in N_{i} \\ 0 ,& \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. The two weight matrices :math:`\mathbf{P}` and :math:`\mathbf{S}` thus provide information about a given patient's similarity to all other patients and the `K` most similar patients, respectively. These :math:`m` matrices are then iteratively fused. At each iteration, the matrices are made more similar to each other via: .. math:: \mathbf{P}^{(v)} = \mathbf{S}^{(v)} \times \frac{\sum_{k\neq v}^{}\mathbf{P}^{(k)}}{m-1} \times (\mathbf{S}^{(v)})^{T}, v = 1, 2, ..., m After each iteration, the resultant matrices are normalized via the equation above. Fusion stops after `t` iterations, or when the matrices :math:`\mathbf{P}^{(v)}, v = 1, 2, ..., m` converge. The output fused matrix is full rank and can be subjected to clustering and classification. """ aff = _check_SNF_inputs(aff) Wk = [0] * len(aff) Wsum = np.zeros(aff[0].shape) # get number of modalities informing each subject x subject affinity n_aff = len(aff) - np.sum([np.isnan(a) for a in aff], axis=0) for n, mat in enumerate(aff): # normalize affinity matrix based on strength of edges mat = mat / np.nansum(mat, axis=1, keepdims=True) aff[n] = check_symmetric(mat, raise_warning=False) # apply KNN threshold to normalized affinity matrix Wk[n] = _find_dominate_set(aff[n], int(K)) # take sum of all normalized (not thresholded) affinity matrices Wsum = np.nansum(aff, axis=0) for iteration in range(t): for n, mat in enumerate(aff): # temporarily convert nans to 0 to avoid propagation errors nzW = np.nan_to_num(Wk[n]) aw = np.nan_to_num(mat) # propagate `Wsum` through masked affinity matrix (`nzW`) aff0 = nzW @ (Wsum - aw) @ nzW.T / (n_aff - 1) # TODO: / by 0 # ensure diagonal retains highest similarity aff[n] = _B0_normalized(aff0, alpha=alpha) # compute updated sum of normalized affinity matrices Wsum = np.nansum(aff, axis=0) # all entries of `aff` should be identical after the fusion procedure # dividing by len(aff) is hypothetically equivalent to selecting one # however, if fusion didn't converge then this is just average of `aff` W = Wsum / len(aff) # normalize fused matrix and update diagonal similarity W = W / np.nansum(W, axis=1, keepdims=True) # TODO: / by NaN W = (W + W.T + np.eye(len(W))) / 2 return W
def _check_SNF_inputs(aff): """ Confirms inputs to SNF are appropriate Parameters ---------- aff : `m`-list of (N x N) array_like Input similarity arrays. All arrays should be square and of equal size. """ prep = [] for a in _flatten(aff): ac = check_array(a, force_all_finite=True, copy=True) prep.append(check_symmetric(ac, raise_warning=False)) check_consistent_length(*prep) # TODO: actually do this check for missing data nanaff = len(prep) - np.sum([np.isnan(a) for a in prep], axis=0) if np.any(nanaff == 0): pass return prep def _label_prop(W, Y, *, t=1000): """ Label propagation of labels in `Y` via similarity of `W` Parameters ---------- W : (N, N) array_like Similarity array generated by `SNF` Y : (N, G) array_like Dummy-coded array grouping N subjects in G groups. Some subjects should have no group indicated t : int, optional Number of iterations to perform label propagation. Default: 1000 Returns ------- Y : (N, G) array_like Psuedo-dummy-coded array grouping N subjects into G groups. Subjects with no group indicated now have continuous weights indicating likelihood of group membership """ W_norm, Y_orig = _dnorm(W, 'ave'), Y.copy() train_index = Y.sum(axis=1) == 1 for iteration in range(t): Y = W_norm @ Y # retain training labels every iteration Y[train_index, :] = Y_orig[train_index, :] return Y def _dnorm(W, norm='ave'): """ Normalizes a symmetric kernel `W` Parameters ---------- W : (N, N) array_like Similarity array generated by `SNF` norm : str, optional Type of normalization to perform. Must be one of ['ave', 'gph']. Default: 'ave' Returns ------- W_norm : (N, N) array_like Normalized `W` """ if norm not in ['ave', 'gph']: raise ValueError('Provided `norm` {} not in [\'ave\', \'gph\'].' .format(norm)) D = W.sum(axis=1) + np.spacing(1) if norm == 'ave': W_norm = sparse.diags(1. / D) @ W else: D = sparse.diags(1. / np.sqrt(D)) W_norm = D @ (W @ D) return W_norm
[docs]def group_predict(train, test, labels, *, K=20, mu=0.4, t=20): """ Propagates `labels` from `train` data to `test` data via SNF Parameters ---------- train : `m`-list of (S1, F) array_like Input subject x feature training data. Subjects in these data sets should have been previously labelled (see: `labels`). test : `m`-list of (S2, F) array_like Input subject x feature testing data. These should be similar to the data in `train` (though the first dimension can differ). Labels will be propagated to these subjects. labels : (S1,) array_like Cluster labels for `S1` subjects in `train` data sets. These could have been obtained from some ground-truth labelling or via a previous iteration of SNF with only the `train` data (e.g., the output of :py:func:`sklearn.cluster.spectral_clustering` would be appropriate). K : (0, N) int, optional Hyperparameter normalization factor for scaling. See `Notes` of `snf.affinity_matrix` for more details. Default: 20 mu : (0, 1) float, optional Hyperparameter normalization factor for scaling. See `Notes` of `snf.affinity_matrix` for more details. Default: 0.5 t : int, optional Number of iterations to perform information swapping during SNF. Default: 20 Returns ------- predicted_labels : (S2,) np.ndarray Cluster labels for subjects in `test` assigning to groups in `labels` """ # check inputs are legit try: check_consistent_length(train, test) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Training and testing set must have same number of ' 'data types.') if not all([len(labels) == len(t) for t in train]): raise ValueError('Training data must have the same number of subjects ' 'as provided labels.') # generate affinity matrices for stacked train/test data sets affinities = [] for (tr, te) in zip(train, test): try: check_consistent_length(tr.T, te.T) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Train and test data must have same number of ' 'features for each data type. Make sure to ' 'supply data types in the same order.') affinities += [make_affinity(np.row_stack([tr, te]), K=K, mu=mu)] # fuse with SNF fused_aff = snf(*affinities, K=K, t=t) # get unique groups in training data and generate array to hold all labels groups = np.unique(labels) all_labels = np.zeros((len(fused_aff), groups.size)) # reassign training labels to all_labels array for i in range(groups.size): all_labels[np.where(labels == groups[i])[0], i] = 1 # propagate labels from train data to test data using SNF fused array propagated_labels = _label_prop(fused_aff, all_labels, t=1000) predicted_labels = groups[propagated_labels[len(train[0]):].argmax(axis=1)] return predicted_labels
[docs]def get_n_clusters(arr, n_clusters=range(2, 6)): """ Finds optimal number of clusters in `arr` via eigengap method Parameters ---------- arr : (N, N) array_like Input array (e.g., the output of :py:func`snf.compute.snf`) n_clusters : array_like Numbers of clusters to choose between Returns ------- opt_cluster : int Optimal number of clusters second_opt_cluster : int Second best number of clusters """ # confirm inputs are appropriate n_clusters = check_array(n_clusters, ensure_2d=False) n_clusters = n_clusters[n_clusters > 1] # don't overwrite provided array! graph = arr.copy() graph = (graph + graph.T) / 2 graph[np.diag_indices_from(graph)] = 0 degree = graph.sum(axis=1) degree[np.isclose(degree, 0)] += np.spacing(1) di = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(degree)) laplacian = di @ (np.diag(degree) - graph) @ di # perform eigendecomposition and find eigengap eigs = np.sort(np.linalg.eig(laplacian)[0]) eigengap = np.abs(np.diff(eigs)) eigengap = eigengap * (1 - eigs[:-1]) / (1 - eigs[1:]) n = eigengap[n_clusters - 1].argsort()[::-1] return n_clusters[n[:2]]